CHAPTER 187 Ft. Stankdog
Gared Steinke races f*cking dirt bikes… 2-stroke dirt bikes to be exact. He is a cult figure in motorcross and one of the most universally loved guys on two wheels.
‘The General’ Brian Deegan first joined us on Gypsy Tales earlier in 2020 just as we were getting the US Studio off the ground. Following an epic debut US podcast with Ryan Hughes, Brian’s first GT episode shot straight to our #1 most downloaded on audio platforms at over 300,000 downloads and counting.
I personally didn’t know what to expect during the first podcast with Brian. We had met a few times in the US and I had actually filmed a couple of times at their Temecula house with Kade Mosig and Josh Hansen when ‘Speed and Style’ was still a thing… But apart from that, Brian’s only real knowledge of me was the clickbait thumbnail on the Travis Pastrana clip. With all this in mind, the first podcast with Deegan was one of my most enjoyable experiences behind the mic. I was hesitant to make the US Studio happen at first not because of the logistics and the technical challenges behind it, but because I feared that it would take away the experience for the guest and myself. I was worried that the connection wouldn’t be there and I wondered if the 3-hours of this new style of recording would fly by in the same way as it always has.
Just two episodes in and I found that I was worried for no reason at all. The debut episode featured Ryan Huges was a barn burner in every respect and to follow it up with Brian Deegan was another home run.
A really awesome thing about the podcast is that it has seemed to make some very real and genuine connections. There are cases where the guest and I are strangers in every respect going into a podcast, but after three hours leave the room great friends; this was the case with Jack Freestone for example. There are also cases where a certain level of mutual respect is gained through 3 hours of concentrated attention on conversation. Sometimes this respect comes back around in the way that this podcast has with Brian.
During the first podcast we talked extensively about Haiden Deegans move on to big bikes and about potentially looming professional contracts and brand moves. There was a moment during the first podcast where Brian asked me “What do we do?” point blank and I answered with – STAR YAMAHA. We talked a little about the possibilities of a deal like that, but after some deliberation Brian asked if we could remove that part of the podcast out of respect for KTM. I obliged… Fast forward to the end of 2021 and new deals have been inked throughout the industry and Haidens move to Star Yamaha might have eclipsed even the signing of Eli Tomac to the powerhouse team.
This brings us to CHAPTER 189. On the Sunday before the announcement I got a text from Brian telling me that they had big news dropping Monday morning and he wanted to come back on the podcast to go in detail about it. It’s no secret that the Deegans bring views and this particular piece of content was no different. I really enjoyed the opportunity Brian gave us to break a story like this in some sense, and I am also proud that the Gypsy Gang were able to be the first to have the insight around a move that I am sure will play a major role in shaping Supercross over the next 5 years.
I hope everyone enjoys this content and I will do my best to answer any questions you have about this episode in the comments below! Gang.
Gared Steinke races f*cking dirt bikes… 2-stroke dirt bikes to be exact. He is a cult figure in motorcross and one of the most universally loved guys on two wheels.
If you want the truth… I didn’t even know Haiden was going to be doing the podcast this morning. It was the same the first time Haiden did the podcast.
Gypsy Tales is the brainchild of Jase Macalpine, a filmmaker who has spent the last 10yrs traveling the globe. GT ft. the friends made along the way.
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